My Product is Crab Rangoon is a different type of product This product will bring couples together and it is a perfect especially in the summer time when people are going to want crabs. I know my product will also bring families together and this
will be the most important part for my product. By doing this I will see how they can handle my product and how there behavior will be after they eat my product. As In the text book it says in "Marketing an Introduction 10th Edition by Gary Armstrong; and Philip Kotler (pg 138) Culture the set of basic values, perceptions, wants, and behaviors learned by the member society from family and other important institutions". It is a spicy product if you love spices foods then this snack is good for you. But I am willing to lower the spice I know some people can't handle the spice. By doing that I understand my consumers who will buy it and the value it will have not just as a product but it will bring people together. It will help me get close relationship with the people. As the textbook says in ''Marketing an Introduction 10th Edition by Gary Armstrong; and Philip Kotler (pg208) Marketing-mix planning begins with building an offering that brings value to target customers. This offering becomes basis upon which the company builds profitable customer service".
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